Monday, July 25, 2011

Who Killed JR?

Sunday, July 25 2011
We have officially set off for Dallas, TX. It is about 1:00 AM and we are rolling down the highway. We are scheduled for a rest stop about half way and that brings us to the housing site at about 6AM. So my first night in the RV. I am in a middle upper bunk and it is almost long enough for me. I can get in and out of it pretty easily, but I have to be careful not to step on Bob, my under bunk-mate when climbing in.

Since this was a laundry/free day we were only serving breakfast and lunch. An angel donated a wonderful breakfast of egg and sausage/potato/etc tacos. They were awesome. We served roasted hot dogs for lunch along with some chili and nacho sauce, potato salad and chips. I doctored up the chili a bit, so that it was a little more "there". Liam said it was a hit and the hot dogs went like mad, even though most of the Corps was going to do laundry then hit the River Walk in downtown San Antonio to eat again! The kid left for laundry and so the food vols had a more leisurely time of packing up and then getting a shower. They were cold, but felt incredible: a shower to remember. We had a quick Food Vol meeting and then pretty much set off on our separate ways with instructions to meet up at no later than "butt-in-seat-time" of 12:15 AM.

I spent the evening with Kevin and Bob at the house of Lori and Paul, who have twin girls in the color-guard and just recently finished a stint of volunteering. They have an amazing home not far from the San Antonio housing site with a beautiful pool and hot tub. They treated us to cocktails and a delicious meal of chicken fajitas from a local joint that were outstanding. Ever the engaging guest, I feel asleep on the couch with Bob. Time got away from us a bit and we did not get down town to meet up with the Corps who were going to see the final installment of "Harry Potter". We did however get to ride with John and Barbara who have been following The Cadets in their own RV. We met up with the rest of the buses in the Alamodome parking lot and I used the porta-potty and got into my bed/travelling clothes. I was able to duck into the Brass Bus and chat with their driver, a great guy who really enjoys driving the kids. He is having the time of his life driving these kids around and is not shy about saying they are best buch of kids he has ever been associated with! Here are a couple of shots of the inside of their bus:

They are packed in there, but their driver assures me there are some hard and fast rules they must follow for safety sake and the kids always comply. The caravan headed to the movie theater and picked up the kids and the rest of the staff and Vols and headed to Dallas.

Uncle Matt

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