Friday, July 29, 2011

Is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo? No it is The Cadets!

Friday July 29th, 2011
We are at Finley stadium in Chattanooga, TN, which is an interesting place: it is excellent for the corps for practice. The Food Truck is right on the edge of the field so getting water, snack and meals is really easy. Sleeping for the corps is pretty good, with excellent A/C everywhere the kids get to sleep. The issue is that for the staff, admin and volunteers, there is not a lot of space to sleep. I know some of the staff pooled their money and piled into a hotel room, we made a deal that included a case of beer for the grounds manager to secure an office with an a/c unit and some other of us were in the officials locker room. A few Vols opted to stay in the RV, with the A/C running it was not too hot, just a bit of a walk to the bathroom.

Being here so close to practice is really awesome! It is so cool to see the kids at it working so hard and really improving. I watched ensemble last night before we served dinner and I got goose flesh on my skin again! It happens every time I see the show, even when they are just practicing! The kids are just awesome, they are so kind and always say please and thanks; I just love helping them out and doing the best food we can so that they are happy and satisfied.

We had some great food yesterday - Rob made a watermelon salad that was really excellent. It is pretty simple with watermelon, feta cheese, mint and some balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Tangy and sweet at the same time. I think the Corps liked it, we made a ton and very little was left. At dinner we made some home made croutons from some left over bread and they were excellent and added a little something to the mostly routine salad.

A young fellow got a package from home. He got beef jerky, socks, candy and some new shoes:

Uncle Matt

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